If bass fishing is your passion, then Grosse Savanne is your place! Grosse Savanne boasts over 1000 acres of privately managed freshwater fisheries. Approximately 30 minutes from the Lodge is a series of marsh impoundments that are stocked with native/Florida strain bass. With miles of canals and winding trails through marsh flats over 4 feet deep, you are sure to have a bass fishing experience of a lifetime. These impoundments are quickly becoming the most talked about bass fishing opportunity in the state of Louisiana.
The saltwater fishing opportunities for our guests at Grosse Savanne are almost too numerous to list. Because fishing is such an integral part of our programming, we provide a number of resources for our guests, including expert guides to the marsh, Calcasieu Estuary, or the near coastal waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
Grosse Savanne borders the finest saltwater fishing lake in the state-and possibly the finest coastal saltwater estuary in the country. Affectionately referred to by locals as "Big Lake," Calcasieu Lake is blessed with trophy speckled trout, drag stripping red fish, and giant flounder.